Elderfit are starting a FaME (Falls Exercise Management) programme from 28th September at Ely Hub.
FaME (Falls Management Exercise) Programme
FaME is an exercise programme which is shown to improve strength, balance and stability. It is delivered by specialist qualified exercise instructors in small groups, and the classes are tailored to the abilities of individuals.
The programme runs once a week for 24 weeks, and individuals progress during the programme to develop their strength, have more confidence and feel steadier on their feet.
FaME programmes are delivered in community venues, and are a great way to socialise with others in a small group.
Information about FaME can be found here, but it is a 24 week exercise programme which is strongly evidence based in reducing falls risks.
Access to the programme is through self-referral, and the inclusion criteria are basically what is on the flyer, people aged 65 or over who have a risk of falling and would like to take part in an exercise programme to reduce that risk.
If patients are interested and would benefit from taking part, please contact Elderfit as per the flyer.