The Cardiff South West cluster has a population of approximately 75,000 which includes areas of high deprivation and also areas of ethnic diversity. The rich cultural and strong community links within the cluster have formed the foundations for our vibrant and innovative Cluster.
The Core membership of the South West Cardiff Primary Care Cluster Group currently includes 9 GP Practices, Locality Managers, Cluster Pharmacists, representatives from local third sector organisations, community pharmacies, representation from local community health services (District Nurses, Community Resource Team, Palliative Care), social care (Independent Living Service) and Public Health Wales.
This group is chaired by the Cluster Community Director with support from the Locality Managers and Project Support Officer. The Cluster has a strong ethos for collaborative working and has developed wide ranging projects which span from third sector community organisations through to secondary care.

Our Values
We respect and value everyone for their contribution and we aim to show compassion to our patients at all times.
We strive to be positive about primary care and its future and rise to the challenges
facing us.
We are consistent and fair in the way that we deal with people.
Bringing innovation approaches to our services and ways of working for the benefit of our patients.
We work together for the mutual benefit of all members of the cluster.