WANT TO GIVE UP SMOKING – we are committed to providing support and help to patients who are considering giving up smoking.
Are you a smoker ? – are you interested in quitting ? – follow the link below to visit the Stop Smoking Wales website for lots of useful information on quitting smoking. http://www.stopsmokingwales.com
Cervical Smears
Cervical cancer is still a killer in the UK, but could easily be prevented by having regular cervical smears. If you are not sure when your next smear is due, please feel free to contact the practice and we will let you know. If your smear is overdue, please make an appointment with our practice nurse.
Diabetic Clinic
Our nurse and Doctor run Diabetic Clinic. Appointments for annual reviews are sent out routinely by the Administration Team.
Wart Clinic (Suspended due to COVID)
Wart Clinic is held following minor surgery sessions. Please contact Reception to make an appointment.
Well Baby Clinic (Suspended due to COVID)
All parents are contacted by telephone to arrange their child’s immunisations and baby checks.
The Health Visitors are not based within the surgery premises, however they can be contacted by telephone on 029 2183 2216.
Antenatal Clinics
Antenatal Clinics are held by the Community Midwives on Wednesdays from 09:00. Please contact reception to make an appointment.
home_visitingThese nurses are employed by the health authority but work in close cooperation with the Practice. They provide nursing services to patients in their own home. Your local community nurses can be contacted either through reception or on telephone number; 02920 444501.
Health Visitors
We work in close co-operation with our health visitor s . They visit children under five years old at home and sees them in the baby clinic. They can be seen by appointment and can be contacted on Cardiff 029 2183 2216.
We have a counsellor who attends our surgery. She sees patients who have been referred by one of the doctors with a condition that may benefit from counselling such as anxiety or depression.
Please note that completion of Water Forms is outside the scope of NHS Services and as such a charge of £50.00 is payable for these forms.
All of these services are outside the scope of the NHS General Medical Services Contract, and all respective fees are therefore payable by the patient. A fee list is on display at Reception.
If you require any private work to be undertaken, please make enquiries at reception. Our Medical Secretary co-ordinates all private work and will advise you on the cost before the work is undertaken. Payment of all fees are due on collection of the relevant documentation.
Please note that we DO NOT countersign Passport Application Forms or complete Firearms certification or Blue Badge applications.
We are a designated Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre and can provide travellers with up to date vaccination information based on their specific destination(s). The Travel Clinic is run by our practice nurses. If you wish to book an appointment please contact reception.
Reception will book an initial consultation for you with the nurse. The nurse will carry out a review of your travel plans and advise you on the recommended vaccinations and costs involved.
You will need to complete a travel assessment form prior to seeing the nurse in order that your travel plans can be determined and recommendations can be made. If you have booked an appointment in person then please ask for an assessment form at Reception and complete it and bring it with you to your appointment.
Travel Assessment Form
If you have booked an appointment by telephone, you can either download and print the form by following the link below and complete it and bring it with you to your appointment. Or you can attend 10-15 minutes ahead of your appointment time and ask at Reception for the form and complete it while you wait to be called to your appointment.
The initial consultation is provided free of charge to patients who are registered with the practice. A £15.00 consultation fee is payable by patients not registered with this practice in addition to the cost of any vaccines.
Please note that payment for travel and private services can only be made by cheque or cash. We DO NOT have facilities to accept credit or debit cards at present.
A comprehensive website with travel information can be found here;
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It is important to make this initial appointment as early as possible – at least 6 weeks before you travel – as a second appointment will be required with the practice nurse to actually receive the vaccinations. These vaccines have to be ordered as they are not a stock vaccine. Your second appointment needs to be at least 2 weeks before you travel to allow the vaccines to work.
Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge. This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS.
Travelling in Europe
If you are travelling to Europe a very useful booklet has been published with advice and guidance to help you get the most out of your holiday. To visit please click:- http://ec.europa.eu/publications/booklets/eu_glance/86/en.pdf (this is a large document and may take a minute or two to view)
Minor Surgery Clinic
We offer a minor surgery service here for the removal of lumps and moles as well as some joint injections.
- Dr. Stone has a minor surgery clinic once a month on a Wednesday afternoon.
- Dr. Ganderton has a minor surgery clinic once a month on a Monday afternoon.
- Dr. Davies holds a minor surgery clinic once a month on various days.
You cannot book a minor surgery procedure without being seen first. Please make an appointment with either Dr Stone, Dr Ganderton or Dr Davies to discuss the problem.
If appropriate they will recommend that you are placed on the waiting list and you will subsequently be contacted when a clinic is available.
Removal of lumps for cosmetic reasons is not always available on the NHS. Dr Stone, Dr Ganderton or Dr Davies will discuss this further at your initial consultation.
During minor surgery sessions the doctors are assisted by one of our health care assistants, and students may also be present.
Contraceptive Coils and Implants (Known as LARCs – Long Active Reversible Contraception)
The practice, in collaboration with Cardiff and Vale Univeristy Health Board has arrangements in place with another practice in the Locality to undertake insertion of contraceptive coils and implants to patients registered with Meddygfa Canna Surgery.
This service is being provided on our behalf by Woodlands Medical Centre, Greenfarm Road, Ely, Cardiff. CF5 4RG. Telephone (02920) 599144, Fax (02920) 599204.
If you wish to have a contraceptive coil or implant fitted, you can self-refer to Woodlands Medical Centre without the need to see a GP or Nurse here at Meddygfa Canna Surgery. You just need to download the applicaiton form below, titled LARC Referral, complete it in full and send it to Woodlands Medical Centre at the address shown at the top of the form. They will then contact you to arrange an appointment. All follow-up and after-care for devices fitted at Woodlands is carried out by them also.
Meddygfa Canna Surgery will continue to offer the contraceptive injection and the contraceptive pill and appointments for these can be made at our Reception.
LARC referral
Below are links to various helplines for people wishing to find out more and get help with mental health, drug and alcohol and dementia issues.
Mental Health Helpline – C.A.L.L. provides a free, 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year Wales-wide mental health telephone helpline service.
Useful publications and helpsheets are also available from the stepiau website at www.stepiau.org
Drug and Alcohol Helpline – DAN24/7 is a free, bilingual telephone helpline providing a point of contact for anyone in Wales wanting further information or help relating to drugs and/or alcohol.
Dementia Helpline – Wales Dementia Helpline offers a free 24 hour, 7 day a week, 365 days a year support to anyone who is caring for someone with dementia, their families and friends and also provides support to those who have been diagnosed with dementia.