Your recent ultrasound scan has shown that you have fatty changes in your liver. Fatty liver is very common, you can do some simple things to reduce the fat in the liver, and in some cases reverse the changes, such as:

• Losing weight if you’re overweight or obese.
• Eating a healthy diet.
• Increase your exercise – you should aim to do some type of physical activity every day.
• Reduce your alcohol intake to within the recommended limits of 14 units per week.
• Stop smoking.
• Drink plenty of water instead of any sugary or sweetened drinks.
• If you have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol – improving your blood sugar, blood pressure or cholesterol.

Fatty changes but can lead to scarring of the liver in some patients. We can assess your risk of scarring by monitoring your liver function blood test and full blood count to calculate whether you need to be referred for specialist assessment.

You should then have your blood test, weight and blood pressure done every 12 months, therefore please ensure you make an appointment with the Healthcare Assistant for bloods every 12 months. We may have asked you to make an appointment sooner so we can calculate your risk.

Please visit the websites below for some more information:

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) – NHS
Healthy living – British Heart Foundation
Eating well – British Liver Trust

Yours sincerely

Dr J A Wakeling & Partners

Telephone: 02920 561808