Share your Views – Quality Statement for Maternity and Neonatal Care

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Care’diff – Carers Week Celebration!

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Wednesday 17th April

The practice/surgery will be closed for essential staff training on Wednesday 17th April from 1.30pm-6.30pm and will reopen as usual the following morning. For urgent medical advice please call 02921 678 795. For medical emergencies please call 999.

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Dr Helen Lindsey Retirement

After working at Ely Bridge Surgery (EBS) for 33 years I have decided to retire from General Practice. I have had the most enjoyable, rewarding career and it has been a real privilege to be involved in your lives. I want to thank all the staff of Ely Bridge Surgery that I have worked with … Continued

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New GP Partner

We would like to welcome Dr Aroon Devnani to the partnership of Ely Bridge Surgery.

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Your NHS Wales Experience Questionnaire

The experience that you have of care is important to us. This might be an appointmentwith your doctor or health visitor, a hospital stay, an outpatient visit or something else.We would be grateful if you could complete this survey so that we can understand thisbetter. The questions are based on the things that patients have … Continued

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Maggie’s Cardiff – Bowel Cancer Support Group

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Counselling Service for people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities

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