Latest News

January 2022

We have had a very successful year at our Cluster Park Run. We have even been made a ‘Park Run Practice’, meaning we have the support from all of our GP practices here at Cardiff South West Cluster. As always, many thanks to every single person who took part in the park run, whether that be volunteering, running, walking or jogging! Although park runs in Wales have been put on hold for the time being due to the ongoing pandemic, we are hoping to have another successful year with our Cluster Park Run.

Check out the 2021 round up of park run practice here.

December 2021

Cluster Park Run every Saturday at Trelai Park!

Our Cluster Park run takes place every Saturday morning at 9am in Trelai park and we’re always looking for more volunteers to join our amazing team!

One of the greatest things about volunteering is that not only does it help those benefiting from the voluntary work…but also the volunteers themselves. The fabulous folk at parkrun HQ commissioned research a few years ago demonstrating how volunteering gave people a sense of achievement and an opportunity to connect with others, improving mental and physical health (…/research-reveals-benefit-of…/). So it is even better that parkrun has provided opportunities for half a million people to volunteer at over 2,200 locations in 23 countries, more than 6 million times in the past 17 years!Don’t believe us? Come along and find out – we’re a friendly bunch who all enjoy helping to put parkrun on. All the roles are straightforward and we won’t ask you to do anything you are uncomfortable with.

If you’d like to get involve and help us out, please email

April 2021

Research Study

We are currently working within the cluster and in collaboration with Ely Bridge Surgery on a number of research studies – see below if you are interested in taking part.

Research Poster

Cluster Transformation Project – see below for information of how we are working wit

Services tab at the top of this page and then choose the Flu Vaccination section.h our cluster colleagues to deliver models of community care.

Transformation Project Leaflet

Dr Alan Stone, after over 25 years of working with us here at Canna Surgery, has decided to take his retirement. We are sure you will join with us in thanking him for the outstanding work he has performed here, at Canna, in caring for the many patients he has seen over the years. We are also sure that you will want to join with us in wishing him a successful and happy retirement and we wish him well for the future. We wish to thank him for the excellent work he has done in that time and his commitment to patient care. He will be sorely missed by us and many of his patients. Dr Stone will retire from the practice on 31st August 2020.

Dr Sherif Khalifa has recently joined us and will be taking on some of his workload. We would like to welcome him to the team and look forward to his presence here for many years to come. Canna surgery goes from strength to strength and we will continue to look to the future and build our reputation for excellence in health care.

If you have previously been seen by Dr Stone then you are welcome to see whichever of our doctors you prefer. Dr Herbert and Dr Khalifa are both Welsh speakers if you would prefer to consult in Welsh. Those patients currently registered with Dr Stone will automatically be transferred to the remaining GPs within the practice

Dr Sherifa Khalifa, our new GP Partner joined us in February 2020.